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The immune system in cardiac health and disease
Macrophage heterogeneity
Dendritic cell development
Cardiac regeneration
SARS-CoV-2 and the heart

Contact us
Princess Margaret Cancer Research Tower (PMCRT)
MaRS Discovery District
101 College Street
East Tower, 3rd floor
Toronto, ON. M5G 1L7
Dr. Slava Epelman
Principal Investigator
101 College St, 3rd Floor, 3-903
Toronto, ON. Canada. M5G 1L7
Crystal Kantores
Lab Manager
101 College St, 3rd Floor, 3-901
Toronto, ON. Canada. M5G 1L7
Sarah Wilson
Research Administrative Assistant
101 College St, 3rd Floor, 3-902
Toronto, ON. Canada. M5G 1L7
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